Wednesday 10 April 2013

Crockery obsession

As my boyfriend is painfully aware I have a little bit of an obsession with vintage crockery and fortunately for me (although not so much him) I live in a place where it is seemingly freely available. 
The shelves and cupboards of our house are full to bursting with little china treasures and we’re certainly never short of a spare plate at dinner parties. As much as I dearly love all of my pieces I have been persuaded that perhaps it would be better to let someone else enjoy their beauty now. I have to say that I do kind of agree. 
I tend to be looking for something else when I sometimes come across a bag full of heavy newspaper (which I dutifully unwrap) and discover some vintage gem that I didn’t even remember I had. Not remembering what you own is a little bit wrong in my eyes.  So, this being the case, I have re-opened my etsy shop and stocked it with my vintage treasures. I may even be persuaded to part with some of the other wonderful finds I have in my house like clothes and vintage sewing patterns but for the moment, the therapy has only covered parting with things made of clay.

Here’s a collection of some of the things I found most difficult to part with;

Sampson Bridgwater cup and saucer – It’s so midcentury and with the little Scandinavian style berries it makes me want to weep with joy.

Sampson Bridgwater 1950s style cup and saucer

Johnson Brothers Tally Ho plates and bowl – The name in itself is brilliant. These pieces are of a hunt scene with horses, riders and dogs.

Johnson Brothers Bowl - Tally Ho, View Halloo  Side Plate - Tally Ho by Johnson Brothers

J & G Meakin TOPIC Coffee pot and cups. I love this pattern. Blue and green stylised flowers and the dinky little coffee cups are to die for.

J & G Meakin Coffee pot, cups and creamer jug in TOPIC style

Anyway, that’s enough for now. I can feel the tears welling knowing that soon I’ll be posting these treasures off.

Check out my etsy shop and see my life in crockery laid bare.